

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas is coming!!!

I love the holidays. That would probably explain why Taylor loves them so much. A couple of weeks ago we got a Walmart toy magazine in the mail...addressed to my brother in law by the way!! I thought it would be fun to let her look through the book and circle the things she wanted for Christmas. Needless to say this was really a funny activity. When she finished choosing the items that she would like, she proudly brought me back the book. Rob and I started to flip through it just to see what kind of things she might be wishing for. It all started out pretty normal. A baby doll. A doll house. The Tinkerbell movie. As we moved through the pages we noticed that she is also wanting a new TV for her room, a CD player, a mini-moped, a huge remote control dinosaur, some of the best Dora toys on the market and let us not forget the V-tech video pink...not orange.

I realized that my baby is no longer a baby. She is starting to be a cute little girl. She suprised us both by not circling everything in that magazine...but only the things that she really wanted. Of course this will be a keepsake that I am sure she will enjoy way down the road. Maybe if she is lucky...Santa will bring her a few of those things on her wish list.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE! What a great day! We just lounged around the house and then about 4:00 went to dinner at my mother in laws house. Rob was just happy to actually have a hot meal this year instead of having to heat up left overs.

We put up our Christmas tree and all of our cute decorations. I am so excited that our house is actually big enough to put up our tree without having to relocate furniture to our even smaller office. Let's just say the last couple of years have been real interesting. Our new living room is perfect. We even have a fire place!!! Taylor is so excited for Santa to come that she asks me everyday if he is coming tonight. I can see this is going to be a long month!!!

Cute little bugga boo has also been sick. She sounds horrible but keeps insisting that she is not sick. It seems like a high temperature and loss of voice is not quite enough to slow her down. She even has time to shop off the Christmas tree!!! Pics of our cute decorations soon...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Big Enough Winner Mesquite was a success. I don't care who you have got to love Wheel of Fortune!! I won 450.00 on one of those beautiful machines. Lucky for me I was already up $100 bucks. So I gave 500 to my trustworthy hubbie and made him promise not to give it back until we were leaving town. Needless to say we both had a great time and we came out ahead. Not too bad for about 4 hours in town.

Cedar was also pretty fun. I can't believe that gas is only 1.85 there. It makes me feel like I am getting ripped off at 2.07 up here!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Weekend Getaway

Halleluia the weekend is here again!! We are off to Cedar to watch the UFC fights. This should be a great time! Then off to Mesquite...ok it is only for a little bit, but long enough to be a big winner! I have high hopes. You gotta get lucky sometime. I will try to put some good karma out there to get some in return.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I love Friday!!!! I have two whole days until I need to go back to work. I have a lot of ambition, a ton of plans, and I probably won't get a single thing done because there is always something else that I want to do. I really think that we should have a few more days on the weekend. My vote is to have Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, then Sunday. That way I have two abolutely lazy days and two days to get stuff done.

This weekend will not be without waste. I am planning on hitting the gym in the morning for an awesome Butts and Guts class. I did a cycle class last night. I hated every minute, but I always feel so good when I am done.

Hope you all have a great weekend...maybe I can talk my hubbie into taking me out to Wendover or down to Mesquite soon. I have some slots calling my name!!! (Is it bad when you start dreaming about them??) I guess Idaho would do. The scratchy lotto cards are almost as much fun.

Oh, by the way...just in case you haven't checked it out yet...go to and check out my mom and dad's projects. I am hoping they start posting some pics of their new little cabin soon. I am sure it will look as great as the first.

Monday, November 3, 2008


It is just getting better every year! Rob and I went to a Halloween Party hosted by a friend of ours. It was so fun. Nothing is better then singing Kareoke with Cher!!! Taylor was very excited to go trick or treating as always. It is something about the free candy that really gets her excited. Kaiden was just happy to be here as he always is. What a easy going baby. Here are some pics from our party and from our fun day.

Our Family

Our Family

Pirate Cruise

Pirate Cruise
Good Times

Kaiden at Primary Childrens

Kaiden at Primary Childrens

5-K Tooele

5-K Tooele

5-K Grantsville

5-K Grantsville

Daddy is keepin me safe

Daddy is keepin me safe

Rob and Annie

Rob and Annie

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Thumb Sucker

Thumb Sucker

Scary Skeleton

Scary Skeleton

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Time To Go

Time To Go
Taylor is so excited to get FREE candy



Haunted Forest

Haunted Forest

My Pimp

My Pimp

Kaiden John

Kaiden John
3 months


Mom's big guy

Taylor Alexandra

Taylor Alexandra
3 1/2 years


Rob and I in Mexico

Sweet Girl

Sweet Girl
She is getting so big!

Graduation Day- Three Musketeers

Graduation Day- Three Musketeers
May 4, 2007 Weber State University