

Monday, November 26, 2012

Family Update

Okay...I know I have not posted here in awhile. Secretly, I lost my password. I guess it is time for an update on the things my family have been doing.

Of course, we are still remodeling our house. We are currently working on our main bathroom. Rob has been such a trooper supporting all of my crazy ideas. Hopefully we will sell it fast when it comes time. Robbie will be taking a journeyman test in December and then who knows where will end up from there. Rob's dad has also moved up to Evanston, not to be confused with moving in with us. Those who know him or about him know what a tremendous pain this will be. But, it will be better for everyone in the long run because we can keep a closer eye on him.

I have been doing some work with the Wasatch Range Writing Project, helping to teach teachers how to teach writing. I love it! I am not working this year, mostly because I didn't want to have to up and move in the middle of a school year and I don't want to stay any longer than necessary. But between Bob and the Writing Project, I am keeping busy. I finished working on my master's degree in education last December and have done practically nothing with it, but maybe I will get it paid off before I end my career. bhahahaa!

Taylor has become quite the little dancer. She loves school and is still the sweetest thing there is. She has finally reached the age where eye rolling is a consistant form of expressing her opinions. She also feels like she should have a dollar every single time she unloads the dishwasher. We finally settled on 2.00/ week, which makes us both happy.

And finally...Kaiden. Oh boy. What do you say about this child. His energy is that of an Olympic Athlete, unfortunately he is a little bit uncoordinated and his brain comes up with some really amazing ideas that usually result in a big mess for mom. I love him anyway and I can only pray that he will be an easy teenager.

Other than that...we are are just living the dream. Hopefully I will remember my password so I might be able to update a little more often than every couple of years!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday Season

It is the end of the year already...I must say it has been a pretty rough one.  I am definately happy to see 2010 end soon. 

We have had some fun this year, despite the house flood.  July was busy with celebrations and time in Idaho finishing up my mom and dad's cabin.  Taylor started Kindergarten the end of August.  She has been going all day and is loving every minute of it. In September, we traveled to Colorado where we spent some time with Rob's aunt and uncle at their beautiful cabin. 

I have finished up another semester of school and I have about one year left before I will graduate with my Master's in Education. 

This summer, I spent time working with the Wasatch Range Writing Project.  I have presented at a couple of teacher education conferences and I am teaching writing to a 4th grade class in West Haven, Utah. 

I have also began remodeling the kitchen, while Rob is working on re-finishing our basement.  Hopefully we will be done with both projects by the end of the year. 

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Pics

Ok, here are some new pics.  Susan, I put some of the house in just for you. 

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas time

Christmas came. Christmas went. It was such a fun weekend. Taylor was so excited for Santa to come and leave her some presents. Kaiden still isn't quite sure what is going on, but one thing is for sure....he does not like Santa!!

I had to wake up Taylor around 7:30. I just whispered into her ear and she shot up out of bed. This for her is very unusual because she is alot like me and really hates to wake up in the morning. She bolted for the stairs. We were staying at Grandma Sue's.

Taylor had so much fun opening just about every gift under the tree. She helped Kaiden open his gifts. They took a little break in the middle so they could wrestle each other. They are so funny together.

One of Taylors favorite toys is her Smart Cycle. She was playing her racing game and decided that she needed to take a break. I asked her why she didn't want to play anymore. She looked at me and said "Mom, it feels like exercise to me". I laughed so hard. I think it will be good practice for her because she also got a new Barbie bike.

We are finally back to the comfort of our home in this ice-cold weather. I am a little bit disappointed that we don't have a little bit more snow, but I am ok about not driving in it.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Where I am now

It has been a very crazy summer! For all of you who don't follow me on facebook, here is the update.

In June, Robbie and I took a vacation to Mexico. It was so awesome. I love Cancun. Our good friends got married down there on the beach. It was beautiful. We also went on the Pirate Cruise that we used to watch last time we were there. It was the absolute BEST party in the whole world. We had sooooo much fun.

Believe it or not, my little afraid of the water and fish booty even went on an underwater sea trek at Xel-ha. If you go to Mexico, Xel-ha is the best place to go for the day! They had the best chocolate cake....not to mention chips, salsa, and favorites...mmmm..

The day before we left for Mexico, we got an offer on our house that we had been trying to sell. We took it and moved to Evanston, Wyoming the week after we got back from Mexico. We decided that we didn't want to buy yet, so we rented a house. It is the biggest piece of crap and really makes you appreciate owning. It is looking a lot better since I painted, but still....not the same.

After finishing up last school year, Rob and I decided that I would stay home with the kids for a couple of years. Any of you that know me well, knows that I can't JUST stay home. I was bored before summer even ended, so the week before school started, I decided to go back to school to get my Masters degree in Education. So...I went to Weber, talked to the department, got a scholarship, financial aid, signed up for classes, bought books and started school the next week. It is perfect. I go stay at my mom and dad's with the kids for a night or two a week, I get to see them all day and get a little break at night.

Those of you who know me well also know that I am somewhat of a nerd and I LOVE SCHOOL. I could be a full time student if I didn't have to pay so much to be there. I love learning and I love learning how to be a better teacher. I definatley miss the classroom this year, but I know in the long run it will be worth it.

Not only am I going back to school, but Rob is working through a second apprentiship with Rocky Mountain Power. He has been working so hard but he is still home by 3:30. I love it, except when I want to be lazy all day. It used to be that I could lounge around until about 5:30, hurry and shower, clean, and have dinner ready by the time he got home at 7....those days are gone. It is for the best. :)

We have also decided that we are going to buy a house now. I know...we have only been here for 3 months. Renting is so crappy, so we got ourselves prequalified and found ourselves a house. Evanston is so can't find anything for less then 275,000 that is decent...everything less then that you have to do major work to. We got lucky and found us a little house that will work for now, that doesn't need a lot of work, but that is in a good neighborhood. We even qualified for a rural development loan, which doesn't require a down payment...which is nice considering how much we lost selling our last house.

So now, we find ourselves going back and forth making sure everything is koesher before we sign the papers. We should close on that house on September 25. Happy Birthday Month to me!!!

Oh...even more important, my little sister Amy is FINALLY getting married. October 17....some temple...somewhere....something to do after...good times.

That about sums it up. Hope all is well with everyone.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Moving..and More

I have now finished 2 5-K races this year. It is so much fun and we have another one next week...yep...Race for the Cure is here.

There is only 4 more weeks left of the school year. I cannot believe that it has gone by so fast. My class is so great. I am really going to miss them. Everyday brings something new and funny. I am not teaching for a couple of years after this year....but I will definatley miss it.

We finally have our house up for sale. It is under MLS 881651. Check it out! I think the pics turned out pretty good. We are selling it through Remax...or you can check it out on We have been working so hard to get this to where we want it...but now we have to leave. Very sad...

I am still planning on heading to Mexico...I promise I won't kiss any pigs while I am there....We have about a month left until we leave...hopefully the "SCARE" will be over. (rolling my eyes). I think it is a little crazy that people have been so crazy about this. Hopefully I will reap the benefits with a cheaper trip!!! brother finally left for England. He is going to the Leeds mission...but he went straight to the MTC in Preston. I hope that this will be a good experience for him and that he will have a chance to really grow up. His life will be some much better if he learns a few things.

Little Kaiden is getting so big. Nine months and 4 teeth....where did the time go? He is so funny. He rolls all over the place. He has learned to open drawers and he really likes to chew on stuff...especially cords and shoes....nasty. He is still such a happy little man. He is hardly ever crying...and if he does it is because he needs to be changed or he is hungry. He is so easy to put to sleep. I can lay him in his bed and shut the door. As long as he has his cookie monster and bink...he is out in no time.

Taylor is getting funnier every day. She knows all of her letters and she is sure that she knows how to read. She loves visiting Grandma and Grandpa and she is constantly taking in new information. She likes to try and negotiate her wants...and if she doesn't agree, she will tell you no deal. Oh...and she is sure that she will have a baby sister when we move back to our old house. I am assuming she means to our next house...but I am sure that it will be awhile. I still remember how much it sucks being prego!

Rob is really loving his new job. He is commuting every day...but it is worth it for now. He is learning so much and can't wait for us to all get up there so he doesn't have to make the drive. Taylor is very excited about getting fireworks on her birthday. Little people are so easy to please.

As for me...not much has changed. I found out that I have a B-12 deficiancy which accounts for my exhaustion. I started getting B-12 shots and I finally feel normal. It is great to have the energy to clean and make dinner...any day to day task that used to be so difficult.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Race for the Cure

Ok everyone....I have officially started a team for Race for the Cure. It is happening on May 9th downtown Salt Lake City. It is such a great event. We started a team so that our faculty could join to help with their fitness goals...but we would love to have a ton of people show up to support our team and our cause. Go to the Race for the Cure website for Team Rose Springs Elementary...or you can search for my name. I am the team captain. We would love to raise a lot of money for this can also donate online without having to move a muscle...

Hope to see you there!!!

Our Family

Our Family

Pirate Cruise

Pirate Cruise
Good Times

Kaiden at Primary Childrens

Kaiden at Primary Childrens

5-K Tooele

5-K Tooele

5-K Grantsville

5-K Grantsville

Daddy is keepin me safe

Daddy is keepin me safe

Rob and Annie

Rob and Annie

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Thumb Sucker

Thumb Sucker

Scary Skeleton

Scary Skeleton

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Time To Go

Time To Go
Taylor is so excited to get FREE candy



Haunted Forest

Haunted Forest

My Pimp

My Pimp

Kaiden John

Kaiden John
3 months


Mom's big guy

Taylor Alexandra

Taylor Alexandra
3 1/2 years


Rob and I in Mexico

Sweet Girl

Sweet Girl
She is getting so big!

Graduation Day- Three Musketeers

Graduation Day- Three Musketeers
May 4, 2007 Weber State University